To make our original content easy to navigate, we are introducing Segments to all of our long form articles and posts. This allows readers to skip to sections which appeal to them. For example, want to read just a condensed summary? Then just read the [tldr] segment. Want to read a short, catchy, over-the-top pitch line for a post? Read the [spiel] segment. Each segment will be described below and our posts will contain a mix and match of each of these segments. We hope this helps our readers.
[ad hoc]
Random thoughts from the author. Can literally be anything the author wants to talk about and completely non-sequitur.
[add ons]
List of items the author would want to add to the article or analysis to make it more comprehensive.
Detailed examination of data, circumstance, or context to reach a better understanding of the subject at hand. This will not be as math heavy as the [data details] section and will be easily understandable by those without a data science or mathematical background.
No analysis is 100% comprehensive. There are always exception cases or alternate perspectives which need to be taken into account. This section is the authors attempt to acknowledge where there could be limitations in their conclusions or potential mis-use of the information.
[call to action]
Specific actions that the author would like you, the reader, to take as a result of the information in the post.
[data details]
Details about acquisition, cleansing, visuals, and mathematical analysis of data.
[achievement unlocked if]
A desired event or action, which if they took place, would fulfill a key purpose of the post. Consider this the change we would like to see as a result of the post.
[grinds my gears]
Consider this the rant section. This is where the author may lose their cool. Expect something something over the top.
Multi-faceted analysis exploring all angles and sides of particular issue. Usually long form and comprehensive. Expect to be taken on a knowledge journey.
[shameless plug]
Self aggrandizing advertisement for myself. Expect to be panhandled or to hear me brag about myself. No apologies for this. Hence….shameless.
Catchy social media pitch about a post. Written tongue in cheek and slightly over top. A version of clickbait and probably designed for twitter.
A condensed summary of a post or article hitting on the major points and highlights.